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IT Basic Security Training

The modules of IT Basic Security Training

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker

  • Housekeeping Items

  • The Parking Lot

  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Cyber security Fundamentals

  • What is Cyberspace?

  • What is Cyber security?

  • Why is Cyber security Important?

  • What is a Hacker?

  • Case Study

  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Types of Malware

  • Worms

  • Viruses

  • Spyware

  • Trojans

  • Case Study

  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Cyber Security Breaches

  • Phishing

  • Identity Theft

  • Harassment

  • Cyberstalking

  • Case Study

  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Types of Cyber Attacks

  • Password Attacks

  • Denial of Service Attacks

  • Passive Attack

  • Penetration Testing

  • Case Study

  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Prevention Tips

  • Craft a Strong Password

  • Two-Step Verification

  • Download Attachments with Care

  • Question Legitimacy of Websites

  • Case Study

  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Mobile Protection

  • No Credit Card Numbers

  • Place Lock on Phone

  • Don’t Save Passwords

  • No Personalized Contacts Listed

  • Case Study

  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Social Network Security

  • Don’t Reveal Location

  • Keep Birthdate Hidden

  • Have Private Profile

  • Don’t Link Accounts

  • Case Study

  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Prevention Software

  • Firewalls

  • Virtual Private Networks

  • Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware

  • Routine Updates

  • Case Study

  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Critical Cyber Threats

  • Critical Cyber Threats

  • Cyber terrorism

  • Cyberwarfare

  • Cyberespionage

  • Case Study

  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Defense Against Hackers

  • Cryptography

  • Digital Forensics

  • Intrusion Detection

  • Legal Recourse

  • Case Study

  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise

  • Review of Parking Lot

  • Lessons Learned

  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations

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